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May 2016


May 2016

By Emmanuel Trocino as told to Stephen Awre

Welcome to Peru, Land of the Incas (Land of the Kings). Many would say that you’ve never really been to this resplendent country until you’ve set foot in the majestic and…


By Teakare Betero

My name is Teakare Betero, age 28, and I have been with the Columbans for five years now. At the moment I am studying at the Pacific Regional Seminary.


By Paula Matakiviwa

In 2007 my father talked to me about the possibility of going overseas as a lay missionary.


By Saeko Yamaguchi

I came to live in Fujisawa after getting married 58 years ago. I have been fortunate with my health.


By Fr. Frank Hoare

We rejoice in the great gift of life. But as we grow older this gift is overshadowed by experiences of illness, pain, and loss.


By Sr. Abbie O'Sullivan

It has been nine years since I started working as a personal counsellor in a Boy’s Secondary School in Dublin, Ireland, and also nine years since I started working in The…


By Columban Fr. Barry Cairns

Shusaku Endo, a Japanese novelist, died in 1996–almost 20 years ago. In Japan he is still featured regularly in television programs, magazine articles and exhibitions.


Fr. Youngln Kim

Editor’s Note: On Monday, November, 23, 2015, Columban Fr. YoungIn Kim celebrated the Feast Day of St. Columban in Cuzco, Peru.


By Fr. Tim Mulroy

My first experience of engaging in pastoral ministry in Japan was at a residential center, run by the Daughters of Charity of St.


By Fr. Barry Cairns

You might call me a slow learner.


By Fr. Nilton Iman

My name is Nilton Iman, and I am a priest of the Diocese of Chimbote, a land blessed with the blood of the first martyrs of my country, Peru.


By Patrick O'Dwyer

Fiji for me will always be one of the most wonderful places in the world.