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Feast of St. Stephen

O Lord, we thank You for the life
of Saint Stephen, Your first martyr.

A New Light

Father, We are filled with a new light
by the coming of Your Son among us.

Strength and Resilience

Life is not without its challenges.

Christmas Vigil Prayer

God of endless ages, Father of all goodness,
we keep vigil for the dawn of salvation

Hear My Prayer, O God

Hail and blessed be the hour and moment
in which the Son of God was born

Help Me to Grow

Dear Jesus, I try to read slowly the story of Your birth

Prayer of St. Peter Claver

Let my eyes take their sleep,
but may my heart always keep watch for You.

Christmas Perspectives

Dear Jesus, 
At times I get stuck in my own point of view. 

Weekly Prayer - Responsive to Others

Dear Jesus, 
Thank you for the events of this past day. 

Your Loving Care

Lord, thank You for walking with me
throughout my life.